The fast-rising actor and scriptwriter who is gradually making waves but in home videos and the cinemas and has featured in a couple of movies/TV Shows/series like “Jenifa’s Diary, who Is The Boss, Love is war, Unbroken, Brethren, Scared, Injury Time, The Nancy Isime Show, Cars and Stars, Mr. Right 9ja, etc and a once contestant of ‘Yes You Can’ reality show”, took to his social handle’ to let everyone know that there is always hope at the end of every tunnel.

In his words, ” it’s not a mistake that my birthday falls within this period of the global crisis; when this pandemic has claimed the lives of many and handicapped the health of many still. As this beautiful day marks another added beautiful year to my years, I wish and pray that God saves us and bring back to us the unity and peace that we all crave for. We will surely come out of this! Stay safe people! Love you all.